
The Boat Project

For VMC at university, we were asked to research the visual and material culture of the London 2012 Olympics. We had to identify an object that was relevant to our course and create a short presentation on it.

My group decided to look at The Boat Project and because the concept received such positive feedback from the entire class, I felt I would share it on here.

I thoroughly recommended having a look at the website as it has some really fascinating information and videos such as the actual boat building. www.theboatproject.com

Our Presentation:

·      The Boat Project is the winning commission for Artists Taking The Lead in the South East, as part of the Cultural Olympiad.

·      The project is a collaboration between Lone Twin -the contemporary performance practitioners Gregg Whelan and Gary Winters, boat builder and Olympic silver medallist Mark Covell and yacht designer Simon Rogers.

·      The Boat Project is seen as a living archive of people’s stories and lives.

·      It is to be a 30ft day sailer created with donated wooden objects that hold a personal significance to people and communities.

·      The boat will be launched in May 2012 and undertake a maiden voyage along the South East, stopping at four locations. At each of these locations a festival of arts will take place in celebration. Afterwards the boat will be gifted back to the region as a permanent public resource.

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